#9: Peter Ridd on record Great Barrier Reef coral cover and scientific integrity

2 years ago

Peter Ridd is a geophysicist with over 100 publications and 35 years’ experience working on the Great Barrier Reef and developed a wide range of world-first optical and electronic instruments for measuring environmental conditions near corals and other ecosystems. He was head of Physics at James Cook University for over a decade before being fired, in 2018, for questioning the quality assurance systems used by reef science institutions. Some of the poor-quality work relates to the effect, or lack of effect, of climate change, and agriculture, on the reef. Ridd now works, unpaid, with agricultural organisations, and the Institute of Public Affairs to improve quality assurance systems of “science” used by Australian governments to make environmental laws and regulations.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/peter_ridd
Plato GBR: https://platogbr.com/
Reef Rebels: https://realscience.org.au/reef-rebels/
Tom Nelson's Twitter: https://twitter.com/tan123
Substack: https://tomn.substack.com/
About Tom: https://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2022/03/about-me-tom-nelson.html
Notes for climate skeptics:
ClimateGate emails:

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