The AI powered Metaverse using holographic type communication, not only in Health Care but for education & tourism too. Seems Ian F Akyildiz wants to lock everyone up in a virtual/Metaverse game. AI for good or a panopticon digital prison?!
A Clear Mesage To The Ones Too BUTT HURT To eknowledge Or Tell The Truth About, WBAN, Molecular Communication & 6G ITU J-FET, IEC, ISO, Biodigital Convergence Standards & Policy!
The AI powered Metaverse using holographic type communication, not only in Health Care but for education & tourism too. Seems Ian F Akyildiz wants to lock everyone up in a virtual/Metaverse game
Are You Really Concerned About My Mental Health? Or Is It The Heartfire & Empathy In My Delivery? RE: Dr. Love & HOPEGIRLBLOG Grade 9 Name Calling Is Mature.(Mean Girls) Sticks & Stones! 😅
The AI powered Metaverse using holographic type communication, not only in Health Care but for education & tourism too. Seems Ian F Akyildiz wants to lock everyone up in a virtual/Metaverse game
The AI powered Metaverse using holographic type communication, not only in Health Care but for education & tourism too. Seems Ian F Akyildiz wants to lock everyone up in a virtual/Metaverse game