World War III | Is the Great War Post-Rapture War Close? Ezekiel 38: 5-6 | Did the Bible Prophecy Israel Being Attacked Specifically By Iran (Biblical Persia), Ethiopia (Biblical Ethiopia), Libya (Biblical Libya) & Turkey (Biblical Gomer)? What Is Gog
39 days until the end of Democrats' insanity in Washington DC: "Women's Health Research creates treatments specifically for women & men. This changes the world of women's health forever. We can change things fundamentally."
Clarence Thomas: "If we're talking about the 4th Amendment, I know what we're talking about, because it’s written. It’s there. What specifically is the right here that we’re talking about?"
Ezekiel 38: 5-6 | Did the Bible Prophecy Israel Being Attacked Specifically By Iran (Biblical Persia), Ethiopia (Biblical Ethiopia), Libya (Biblical Libya) & Turkey (Biblical Gomer)? + Isaiah 17:1 (Destruction of Damascus) | Hamas In the Bible?
You can't make this shit up. Black barber in 2019: "You should write laws specifically for black people. Don't group us in with everybody else." Lawmaker Kamala, nodding: "That's right."
Doctor Robert Malone | "One of the Transformational Points In Time for This Technology Was When DARPA Decided to Issue a Large Contract, a Series of Contracts to Enable the Development of mRNA and Specifically mRNA Use for Vaccine Purposes."