Business Coach | The Success Mindset | With Franchise Brand Developer, Matt Kline + “Successful people do whatever it takes to get the job done, whether or not they feel like it.” - Jeff Olson
Business Podcast | Customer Service + The Power of Implementing Merit-Based Pay Versus Paying Your Team a Flat Salary + Increase Your Profits By Offering Great Customer Service + Tebow Joins Business Conference!
Clay Clark Success Stories |“From the First Moment We Started Working w/ You, 758% Growth! Dream 100 Is Phenomenal! Clients Coming to Us From the Website! Life Changing!” - Doctor Mathesz of
Public Relations | Why PR Is What You Pray for & Advertising Is What You Pay for w/ World’s Most Successful Public Relations Experts: Matthew Faraci (PR Consultant for The Chosen, Tuttle Twins, Etc.) + Michael Levine Levine
BRICS | BRICS Summit 2024 | BRICS PAY | "The Days of the U.S. Financial Dominance May Be Numbered." - Clayton Morris (10/6/2024) + "The Russians Said It's (New BRICS Currency) Going to Be Gold Backed." - Steve Bannon