THE SONS OF JACOB, BLACKS & BLACK LATINO MEN ARE THE UNDERDOGS: WE OVERCOME ADVERSITY IN POVERTY, EXUDE CONFIDENCE & STRENGTH IN CAPTIVITY.🕎Isaiah 45:2-6 “For Jacob my servant's sake, & Israel mine elect, I have even called thee”
“DALLAS IS DIVIDED CITY DIVIDED BY POLITICS, BY CLASS, & BY RACE”…DRUGS & GUNSHOTS EVERY-NIGHT, BLACK & HISPANIC CHILDREN MURDERED SHOT TO DEATH. THE CURSES! 🕎 Amos 3;1-3 You only have I known of all the families of the earth:
THESE BIBLICAL CURSES RUN DEEP….20,000 BLACKS & BLACK LATINOS HAVE BEEN MURDERED OVER THE PAST 40 YEARS IN FIGHTING BETWEEN SOUTH LA GANGS, THE CRIPS & THE BLOODS🕎Jeremiah 2;2-14 O house of Jacob, & all the families of the house of Israel