Jacobs Ladder & the 12 tribes of Isreal! Biblical Peter & Jacob. Mermaid day pay attention/write! 3/29

10 months ago

3/28/24 this video is for entertainment purposes only!if it happens it happens. energy can extend out two weeks to two months!
Charms:butterfly, a, pop, father, who, me, no, with, u, here, good, m, 3, o, h m,play, bread, stop, red writing, purple writing, ring, act, house twice, devine pair/ devine two , bubble gum, paper/strip/ ,help,find
ozone layer balloons
weather: thunderstorms and more rain during this solar storm
money coming in
pay attention to the clouds
engagement...saturn ring
amethyst stone... stone of peace...good during dreams, brings clarity to the waking mind mentally and metaphysically
curse breaking... end to slavery. (moon)
mermaid day march 29 find something.....write it down
body sock
no....on.....butterfly effect...om! (humming)/hum a tune lips pressed together...
self care
everywhere... different planes
during judgement rest assure in God create a worry box!
do deep breathing...
something going on with the lungs....
carrots! plant seeds or create a recipe
camel.... make sure you are storing up on water before it becomes contaminated...stay hydrated
inner child.....to remain in holy state
avoid distractions
pressure around lungs and heart space
more solar flares ahead...
rabbits? spirit animals
massage your temples... headaches/ mentally drainage
moon, saturn,
pouch....news of pregnancy/ special child heaven sent/ something born into the world/ protect your children
move slow.....pace self/ focus and dont look back
look out for a messagge/ upload
flip? polar caps?northern hemisphere (cancer)
biblical.... peter and jacob...in question
jacobs ladder?
palm sunday...
israel.... 12 tribes of israel...
wrestling match?
new name

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