Isolation of COVID patients unjustified, criminal, caused massive deaths in hospital | Gail McCrae
Concerned for Truth
Refugee doctor from China: COVID narrative is copy of Chinese communist take-over | Gail McCrae
Biological Medicine
Isolation of COVID patients unjustified, criminal, caused massive deaths in hospital | Gail McCrae
Biological Medicine
Life threatening medical emergencies SUDDENLY increased 6-10x after vaxx roll-out | Gail McCrae
Biological Medicine
Nurse Gail McCrae: California hospitals were near-empty throughout all of 2020
Biological Medicine
PCR test scandal: Hyperinflated test results created unwarranted fear | Nurse Gail McCrae #PCRDemic
Biological Medicine
Vaxx status of hospitalized patients was INTENTIONALLY manipulated | Nurse Gail McCrae
Biological Medicine
( -0612 ) COVID Nurse Gail McCrae - 2nd Bombshell Interview - Her Entire Revelation Is A MUST HEAR!
护士盖尔·麦克雷 (Gail McCrae) 描述了医院如何滥用 PCR 检测,并将非新冠死亡错误地标记为新冠死亡。PCR检测从一开始就是一个巨大的丑闻。#盘古翻译部
一灯能除千年暗 一智能灭万年愚
Vaxx status of hospitalized patients was INTENTIONALLY manipulated | Nurse Gail McCrae
Concerned for Truth
Refugee doctor from China: COVID narrative is copy of Chinese communist take-over | Gail McCrae
Life threatening medical emergencies SUDDENLY increased 6-10x after vaxx roll-out | Gail McCrae
Concerned for Truth
Nurse Gail McCrae: California hospitals were near-empty throughout all of 2020
Concerned for Truth
Steve Kirsch Interview With Nurse Gail Macrae Is The Single Most Important Interview He's Done
Sunfellow On COVID-19
Visselblåsare/ Isolering av covidpatienter omotiverat, kriminellt, orsakade massiva dödsfall på sjukhus | Gail McCrae
Refugee doctor from China: COVID narrative is copy of Chinese communist take-over | Gail McCrae
Concerned for Truth
Steve Kirsch: The Single Most Important Interview I've Ever Done: Former Kaiser Nurse Gail M.
Az orvostudomány cserbenhagyott minket | Gail McCrae nővér
Vaxx status of hospitalized patients was INTENTIONALLY manipulated | Nurse Gail Macrae