2 years ago9.10.22: BARR?, Trump, Queen, King, 1776, Coincidences FLYING everywhere! Let’s GO! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
7 days agoShopping bag kite making with smad and bamboo sticks - Flying test - DIY kite Projects"Welcome to Gollgappay.com, where kite making and flying are the main events!
9 years agoSnowboarding Toddler In Russia Uses Flying Drone To Move Around His NeighborhoodValplushka
2 years ago2022 City of Rockport Kite Festival - A Camera Drone View of the Kites Flying #rockportkitefestivalYellow Rose Drone Videos
1 month agoTransparent gift Paper small kite making and flying tutorial - DIY kite - mr kites"Welcome to Gollgappay.com, where kite making and flying are the main events!