1 year agoPriorities Eh CSIS Demons? With Some Why Not Take Some Responsibility For Once Yup!Alpha Omega 1412
10 months agoStill no word from contradiction "jeff" that's trying to extort me eh you CSIS demons?Alpha Omega 1412
1 year agoi know why you don't like that getting me poisoned one you soros/g8tes yella rumble puppet!Alpha Omega 1412
14 days agoToo Over The Target CIA Puppet Skins jackmusk 2.o & The Orange Tool 747 Irony!Alpha Omega 1412
1 year agoThe Democide Complicit satanic rumble Puppet Hates Mari Magdalene Truth Too Now Eh CSIS demons?Alpha Omega 1412
3 months agoFrom CIA Herod AI Switches To Federation MK'd Sitting Ducks With A Ms Gigi Touch Yup!Alpha Omega 1412
1 year agoFunny How That Happens Everytime i Make A Report On 911 Eh Brantford Pd! Noose Fun Cut!Alpha Omega 1412
3 months ago733 Human Tragedy Indeed PC ROONEY, P For O.P.P, You Damn Straight Know Me!Alpha Omega 1412
10 months agoThe Hope & Dream For Y'all Finally Destroyed By Six Nations With rumble Chooses Complicit!Alpha Omega 1412
1 year agoHomeworld 2, mission 4 "Gehenna Outskirts"; making hyperspace inhibitors & stargates EXTRA CRISPY!!!PsiCorps85 Gaming
3 days agoO.P.P Context To Protecting Pedo demon, HIGH TREASON DEMOCIDE Complicit 'POLICY' Agents!Alpha Omega 1412
3 months agoLook At That Schizophrenic Azeus Go Now, It's All Hepped Up On The [Q]uantum Meth Again Yep!Alpha Omega 1412
6 months agoMore CIA musk Puppet Complicit With Case For High Treason For TAIT at OPP Ya You Know Me #1Alpha Omega 1412
7 months agoInspector Tait chooses complicit with the complicit creature culling rumble puppet live stream short test yep!Alpha Omega 1412
1 year agoYep Now i Get It Warrior Calls! Official "god" fearing mk ultra'd to the bone baffed aye!Alpha Omega 1412
1 year agoContext to "pounding", Do you Still Have Your Hammer Ms Goldfishy-Mary Magdalene Asset Cut Yup!Alpha Omega 1412