Look At That Schizophrenic Azeus Go Now, It's All Hepped Up On The [Q]uantum Meth Again Yep!

2 months ago

Just a short for POZIOMKA crown guy aye! pay no attention to the storm that followed me in my rage no! y'all are lucky i no longer care nor try any more all you satanic demon skins!

should we go with this thumbnail @chrispavlovski @SCC_eng @WPoziomka ? 🤔

or maybe more the "heavenly" forces that can't wait to have their way with you maybe? 🤨

thats some serious schizophrenic azeus on the [Q]uantum meth again isn't, like fk me WOW eh!

or hey maybe we should go with this one for a reminder to how good necks can be potentially stretched?🤔

JCN again! @bourneblaked777

Replying to @bourneblaked777
@accuweather and @ReportGoldfish

Can't say i ever saw that one coming Ms Goldfishy @ReportGoldfish nope!

Look At That Schizophrenic Azeus Go Now, It's All Hepped Up On The [Q]uantum Meth Again Yep!

bad azeus, don't do it no!😒

Still totally could use some treatment options!

maybe some new keys may help too, but idk!😒

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