3 years agoTWO great uses for LEMONS with your #Orchids 🍋| Clean 🧽| Gently pH for SMALL collections & batchesNinja_Orchids
4 years agoWHAT'S IN THEIR POT? Epidendrums under the spotlight | Clean up | Root health in Semi HydroNinja_Orchids
3 years agoWas this an EMERGENCY? YOU tell me 😬🥴 After 3 years, my #Bulbophyllums get a clean up & new set upNinja_Orchids
9 months agoHow to Sterilize Pruning Tools & Pots for Orchids as well as Houseplants #ninjaorchidsNinjaOrchids
2 years agoAngraecoids Eye Candy | Angraecoids Roots Clean Pest Prevention | Outdoor 👉🏼 Indoor #ninjaorchidsNinja_Orchids
2 years agoMinecraft FTB Stoneblock 3 Milling Music Video, Clay, Botany Pots - Episode 2Pyrrh Pianissimo
3 years agoHow to PROPERLY CLEAN Seramis | NO Dust in the pot | NO clogging up the pipes! #Seramis #RecycleNinja_Orchids
2 years agoAnsellia africana UPDATE | Full root clean up | Repot | Detailed Information Overload #carecollabNinja_Orchids
3 years agoCattleya rex clean up after 3 years in Self-Watering & Leca | What on earth is in that pot? 🤢Ninja_Orchids
2 years agoOld? Rotted? Decayed? Pseudobulb clean up | Fusarium chat | Keiki Daycare for Monster MountNinja_Orchids
2 years agoWhat useful tools do you use to clean your home? #amazonfinds #AmazonPrimeDay #cleaninghacksLeanGreenVideos