2 years ago36 Counties have ended relations with USA FJB. Civil War for "We The People" on horizonMajor News
1 year agoBKP: Ogłoszenie Bożej anatemy na przewodniczących konferencji episkopatów EuropyWarningHumanityVerified
1 year agoEl PCB: Publicación del anatema de Dios contra los presidentes de las conferencias episcopales europeasWarningHumanityVerified
1 year agoPCB: Pubblicazione dell’anatema di Dio contro i presidenti delle Conferenze episcopali europeeWarningHumanityVerified
1 year agoBCP: Publication of God’s anathema against Presidents of European Bishops’ ConferencesWarningHumanityVerified
1 year agoO PCB: Publicação do anátema de Deus contra os presidentes das conferências episcopais europeiasWarningHumanityVerified
11 months agoCouples counselling, couples therapy, relationship counselling, emergency couples counsellingSOLUTIONLAB