BCP: Publication of God’s anathema against Presidents of European Bishops’ Conferences

2 years ago

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Presidents of Bishops’ Conferences participated in the so-called Continental Assembly of the Synod on Synodality in Prague on 5-12 February 2023. The list of participants is as follows:
- Cardinals: Ouellet (Vatican), Grech (Vatican), Omella Omella (Spain), Hollerich (Luxembourg), Zuppi (Italy), De Kesel (Belgium)
- Archbishops: Graubner (Czech Republic), Massafra (Albania), Lackner (Austria), Vukšić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Puljić (Croatia), Sfeir (Cyprus), de Moulins-Beaufort (France), Rossolatos (Greece), Martin (Ireland), Stankevics (Latvia), Grušas (Lithuania), Scicluna (Malta), David (Monaco), Gądecki (Poland), Galbas (Poland), Pezzi (Russia), Bober (Slovakia), Jiménez Zamora (Spain), Német (Serbia), Kmetec (Turkey), Mokrzycki (Ukraine), Cushley (Scotland), Lulias (Great Britain)
- Bishops: Yasheuskiy (Belarus), Kavalenov (Bulgaria), Hudson (England & Wales), Jourdan (Estonia), Joly (France), Bätzing (Germany), Mura (Italy), Jurevicius (Lithuania), Cosa (Moldova), Van Den Hende (The Netherlands), Kozon (Nordic countries), Ornelas Carvalho (Portugal), Crişan (Romania), McGee (Scotland), Štumpf (Slovenia), Matjaž (Slovenia), Gmür (Switzerland), Martyniuk (Ukraine), Yazlovetskiy (Ukraine), Zmitrowicz (Ukraine), De San Martín (Vatican), Okolo (Apostolic Nuncio to the Czech Republic), Dzyurakh (Ukraine), Giuliodori (Italy), Veres (Hungary)
The above-named prelates have brought on themselves God’s anathema for promoting a different – sodomitic – antigospel according to Gal 1:8-9. All of them are subject to anathema, not only the conscious active promoters and organizers of the Prague sabbath, such as prelates Hollerich, Grech, Bätzing or Graubner, but even those who participated only formally. The assembly was intended to mark another turning point in the introduction of LGBTQ immorality into the Church’s consciousness and then, by changing the norms, into teaching and practice. This is a great crime against God and the Church as well as against the nations of Europe represented at the assembly by the above-named participants. The shift in church paradigms proceeds in stages, if possible covertly, wrapped in lofty rhetoric. In fact, it is the suicide of the Church.
The German Synodal Path, which vehemently promotes this suicidal trend, is a frightening example. But there was no one in Prague to publicly condemn German apostasy. On the contrary, it was approved by the gesture of the presence of its representatives. What is more, Bishop Bätzing became a star at the assembly. He preached publicly, concelebrated publicly, and openly criticized others. The participation of this representative of the German current, Bishop Bätzing, at the Prague assembly was proof that the German model of the so-called synodal path is identical to the church-wide model promoted by the apostate Pope Francis.
Bishop Bätzing stated in Prague that he perceived considerable tensions in the Church. Card. Müller, the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, responded to it in the media: “The reasons for the considerable tensions are rooted in heretical contradiction to the Catholic doctrine of faith.”
The cardinal literally said that Bätzing’s “analysis is appalling”. During the Prague assembly, Bätzing expressed his rejection of God’s revelation entrusted to the Church, saying: “This is not my faith, not my image of Christ and the Church.”
Cardinal Müller said: “The whole establishment of German-Catholic ecclesiology is false and suicidal… The German Synodal sect is diametrically opposed to Catholic faith.”
The cardinal also said concerning many bishops: “They have not understood the mystery of salvation from sin and have failed in their vocation as successors of the apostles.” He describes the synodal path as “doctrinally incompetent and canonically illegitimate”, and explains that “it is in apparent contradiction with the doctrine of the nature and universal mission of the Church of Christ”.
Bätzing and the other participants of the Prague sabbath have brought God’s anathema upon themselves. What is the difference between anathema and excommunication? Basically, these terms coincide, but there is a certain difference. For example, the Church pronounced an excommunication against St Joan of Arc and she was burnt as a heretic. It was a judicial crime officially sanctioned by an external ecclesiastical organization. However, Saint Joan actually preached no heresies, therefore she was not excluded from the Mystical Body of Christ, i.e. she was not subject to God’s anathema, even though she was excommunicated. Sadly, this is not an isolated case in the history of the Church.
The participants of the Prague sabbath, though subject to God’s anathema, will continue to appear in full clerical regalia. Why? Because the established church system now privileges rather than excommunicates heretics.
However, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate hereby publishes God’s anathema which has a double positive effect:
1) It protects the faithful from the spiritual infection of heresies.
2) It impels heretical prelates to genuine repentance.
Let us take a look at history:
In the 8th and 9th centuries, Eastern Christianity was disturbed by the heresy of iconoclasm. Paul IV was the Patriarch of Constantinople at the time. He succumbed to the pressure of threats and failed to oppose the heresy because of weakness. But remorse did not give him peace. Realizing that he had become a traitor, he renounced the office of patriarch and retired to a monastery as a penitent. Priests, along with Empress Irene, begged him not to leave his flock.
Paul said to them: “I am old and sick now; death will soon come and I will have to give an account before the Righteous Judge even for the smallest offences. I’m afraid God will punish me, because I was silent out of fear and not telling you the truth. The Church now suffers from heresy. Wretched man that I am! I’ve had a share in it, for I consented three times with my hand and tongue to the false teaching. For this I repent painfully and I would rather be in the grave than under God’s anathema. And I also tell you that you have no hope of salvation if you persist in heresy. See to it that a general council is convoked to condemn heresy… Unless a general council is convoked and unless you renounce heresy, you cannot be saved.”
A few days later, the patriarch died and was succeeded by Patriarch Tarasius in 784AD. With the assumption of office, the new patriarch required the convocation of a Council. He said: “Otherwise I shall not accept the patriarchal see, because I do not want to be eternally condemned. No man, not even an emperor, will save me from God’s judgment and from eternal punishment.” In 787AD, the Seventh General Council was summoned and the heresy was condemned.
Contemporary heresies are destroying the Church internally. The proclaimed synodal path already directly promotes the legalization of all immorality under the term LGBTQ. These are far more serious crimes than the heresy of iconoclasm. The Prague sabbath also aimed to embody LGBTQ legalization. That is why all the participants, especially the presidents of the bishops’ conferences, brought God’s anathema upon themselves. The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate only makes this fact public. Any bishop who participated there will not be freed from the anathema until he performs a public penance, verbally or in writing. Moreover, he caused a great outrage and therefore must condemn the heretical LGBTQ synodal path. It is necessary for other bishops, priests and the faithful to demand repentance or resignation from the prelates involved.
By authority of the apostolic and prophetic office (cf. Eph 2:20), the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate has hereby published God’s anathema against the above-named prelates.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

1 March 2023

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