5 years agoSkid Steer VLOG Moving Good dirt working on Duck PondEverything land, outdoors & property!
3 years agoPlanting the duck pond food plot in Milo! Waterfowl food plot ON!Everything land, outdoors & property!
4 years agoKioti RX7320 Testing out the loader on the duck pond dam, land managementEverything land, outdoors & property!
2 years agoBuilding a new deep woods gravel road & campsite on a steep ridge (PART 2 of 2)Everything land, outdoors & property!
3 years agoGoPro Hero 10 Black underwater pond testing-Southern Illinois pond fishEverything land, outdoors & property!
4 years agoIllinois Homestead VLOG; Pond bridge, sunshine, power tools & good health dayEverything land, outdoors & property!
2 years agoFast Forward Friday! Time lapse videos building remote campsite with mini excavatorEverything land, outdoors & property!
5 years agoDuck pond expansion Pulling Good dirt with Bobcat e42 Mini ExcavatorEverything land, outdoors & property!
5 years agoUTV Mudding Duck Pond obstacle; Honda, Polaris, Intimidator & YanmarEverything land, outdoors & property!
4 years agoIllinois Farm VLOG: Land clearing plot update, duck pond & ATV tire repairEverything land, outdoors & property!
3 years agoLand Management client property road trip, removing invasive species, pond dredging & moreEverything land, outdoors & property!
5 years agoBuilding new road DAY 6. Huge tree, Hip dislocated! & Grading dirt...Everything land, outdoors & property!
2 years agoDAY 3 deer camp vlog from Southern Illinois deer camp! Near LIVE deer camp 2022!Everything land, outdoors & property!
2 years agoDAY 9 deer camp vlog from Southern Illinois deer camp! Near LIVE deer (And BASS) camp 2022!Everything land, outdoors & property!
2 years agoTrenching 500+ feet of water line with Bobcat e42 R2 series mini excavatorEverything land, outdoors & property!
2 years agoA day in the field; Food plot prep step 1 Kioti RX7320 & boom sprayer (Oh and sunshine & fresh air)Everything land, outdoors & property!
4 years agoTactacam Reveal vs. Spypoint Link Micro Cellular Trail camera ReviewEverything land, outdoors & property!
2 years agoClearing trees & time lapse progress from a new cabin in the woods siteEverything land, outdoors & property!