La mano e l'occhio, il 3 e il 7 cioè MARZO 2023 WW3 (SIMBOLOGIA) il culto massonico satanico pagano gnostico politeista cananeo/egizio/greco/romano ecc a Yaldabaoth/Jahbulon/Abrasax/Baphomet/Aion ecc DOCUMENTARIO
Elon Musk | Want to Know Absolutely Everything That Has Happened Up to Now? Who Funded Elon Musk's Purchase of Twitter? Why Did Elon Musk Buy Twitter? What's the Horrifying Roko Basilisk AI Thought Experiment?
Guy Kawasaki | Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist, Key Steve Jobs Employee & the Man Responsible for Marketing the Macintosh Computer Line In 1984 Shares Why the Rhythm of Entrepreneurships Is "Ready, Fire, Aim"