11 October 2023 6PM EST - Apollo Live with Joe Oltmann, ToreSays, and Tina Peters - Good Vs. Evil: PRAY for Peace, Let it Simmer - Trump Speech: POTUS Call out Bibi - Don't Fall For the Same Tricks Twice
REPOST: Ex-FBI Chief Ted Gunderson tells the John Van meter story of a Satanic human sacrifice gone wrong on October 31st 2004 in Sonoma County (Same county as Bohemian Grove) in California.
6 October 2023 - 12PM EST - Joe Oltmann Live with Trent Loos: America First, Parents Standing For Children - Killary Says It's Time for 'Formal Deprogramming' of Trump Supporters - Presidential Immunity
Joe Oltmann and David Clements: BLM Is Back?! Quelling the Left’s Racial Division | Special Guest's Orlando Owens & Ventae Parrow | 15 October 2024 4PM EST
12 October 2023 12PM EST - Joe Oltmann Live with Leslie Taha, Writer and Former Member of Nation of Islam - Manipulation of the Black Community, Division Tactics in America - Focus on Humanity, Choose Unity