REPOST: Ex-FBI Chief Ted Gunderson tells the John Van meter story of a Satanic human sacrifice gone wrong on October 31st 2004 in Sonoma County (Same county as Bohemian Grove) in California.

9 months ago

Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7th 1928 – July 31st 2011) was a Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI.

Ted Gunderson tells the "John Van meter" story of a human sacrifice gone wrong on October 31st 2004 in Sonoma County California.

Summary: Former FBI special agent Ted Gunderson says he is going to tell the audience about one of his cases that he investigated (The John Van meter case) and then in the future will tell them about many other cases he investigated that establishes WITHOUT ANY DOUBT that there is a conspiracy and infiltration into the lower levels of the US government all the way up to the Whitehouse.

Sonoma County California on a map

On Halloween night October 31st 2004 John Van meter (A woodsman from Wisconsin) went to a conference in Sonoma County California and afterwards he was driving home when he saw 5 or 6 vehicles drive into the woods. He did a U-Turn and followed them into the woods but kept his distance away from them. He saw a fire and a woman in the nude tied to a tree and most of the people there were in the nude. Then somebody shot at him so being a woodsman he got his gun and shot back and to make a long story short he killed 4 of them and broke up the Human Sacrifice Ritual and rescued the nude girl and put her in a vehicle to drive home and then he chased the Cult leader into the woods and shot and killed him. John reached into the pocket of the dead Cult leader and pulled out a card and looked at the back of it and it was a (202) area code number and the next day he called that number and a female answered "Federal Bureau of Investigation".

The next day he called that number again and this time the line had been disconnected. John recalled when he was chasing the leader into the Woods they were having a running conversation where the leader said "We have the police and the FBI in our hip pocket here. If you kill me you will live in a 10 by 10 cell for the rest of your life!". John had called the Sonoma county police that night and reported the incident and later the police CHARGED HIM with filing out a phoney report and they waited 4 days before searching the area where the incident happened.

John hired a Sonoma county attorney and the attorney told him to get out of Sonoma county area and don't come back as it is corrupt here and you will wind up serving time here. They settled with a $10,000 fine, 2 years probation and the police said he shot himself.

Lincoln County Wisconsin where John Van Meter lives,_Wisconsin_Genealogy#/media/File:WI_Lincoln.png

On April 19th 2006 (1.5 years later) John is home in Lincoln county Wisconsin and goes out into the woods as the woodsman he is when he sees 2 men drive in and park their car and John hears one of them say "He's mine!". He has another gun battle and knocks one of them down 4 times and the other guy twice where they had enough and took off. This time he goes to the Wisconsin police to report it and those police say John shot himself AGAIN. He was shot 9 times with 6 different weapons and his pickup truck had 25 bullets in it.

This time it went to court and FBI Agent Ted Gunderson said he attended this trial and they brought in an expert saying he could not have shot himself. The Wisconsin police then changed their story from he shot himself to he lied to the police and they convicted him. John told Ted that of course he lied to the police because he didn't trust them! John was on probation for a year and in that time someone planted a marijuana plant in his garden. Probation officers came into his home without a warrant looking for guns and booze which he was prohibited from having. Then in February John's house burned to the ground early in the morning.

The nude woman that John saved is in hiding and has changed her name several times. She had been kidnapped out of a parking lot in Oakland California where 4 guys came at her in daylight and shot her in the thigh with a needle and she lost consciousness and they put her in their vehicle and drove away. This woman wrote a letter that Ted Gunderson reads ...

"I am the woman from the Satanic cult abduction case on Halloween. I am scared to death of them finding out who I am so I am not coming forward. The only person I am ever going to tell is my brother. He thinks it is best that I stay anonymous but he has convinced me to write out everything I remember exactly as I can and send it to the police. They were going to rape and murder me and I hope they get caught. People need to know what has happened to me. I am so scared that they will find out who I am as I am writing on an old type writer so it will not be on my hard drive".
'It started Saturday night as I was walking across a parking lot in Oakland when 4 guys got out of a car and grabbed me. They gave me a shot with a hypodermic needle in my thigh. I was unconscious for a bit but when I woke up my hands were handcuffed behind my back. My feet were tied together. They put tape over my eyes and my mouth. I didn't know where I was or how long I had been there. I was thirsty and felt like I couldn't breathe. I had to go to the bathroom and I was terrified. I laid there and thought about what had happened to me. I am not a religious person but I prayed to god for the first time in my life to save me!".
'Then I heard a couple guys get out and open the door and grab me. One guy said "The bitch pissed on the floor" and the other guy said "Shut up and clean it up and load the stuff in". They took me into a house or something and the guy said "if you cooperate then we won't hurt you. If you struggle we will kill you. Is that understood?". They gave me something to drink and then started to take my clothes off. The guy said "Just relax we are going to give you a bath now". A woman then said "This is the sacrifice" as she took off my robe and put her hands on my breasts. The woman said "How did she test?" and the guy said "Perfectly". She put her body next to me and I could feel that she was naked. She said in my ear "I am going to drink your blood". I suddenly felt very sick. They took off my handcuffs and tied my hands and arms and put a rope around my neck.

They took the tape off my eyes and I was in the forest. They tied me to a tree and I knew I was going to die. 4 naked women walked towards me, one wearing chains with rings in her nipples and she had a big knife. She took the tape off of my mouth and touched my breasts with the knife. Then she jabbed in my face repeatedly with the knife. I was terrified, I wanted to kill her, the bitch. I don't want to be graphic but they did sexual things to me. They masterbated and had wild orgasms. They rolled out a big plastic sheet in front of me and made a fire. They were ALL naked and began to chant in some weird language".

"A man then came and stood in front of me. He was older than the others. Maybe 30. He was over 6 feet tall and a real lean build. His hair was black and so was his beard. He had weird eyes. Someone was behind me and pulled the rope tight around my neck. He had his hands on my breasts. Looking into his eyes was putting me into a trance like hypnosis. It was like starring at a snake. He began to put his penis in me. Then I heard a lot of yelling and gun shots. The snake man turned away and looked towards the woods where the gun shots were coming from. The snake man poured water on the fire and walked away quietly. Then I heard him say "KILL HER!". A naked man came forward towards me with a knife. Another man came up with a silver gun and shot him right in front of me. He was big and tall and had a white beard (John Van Meter). I heard a loud bang behind me and saw that the shot had hit the old man in the side of the stomach and knocked him down. He shot back many times still on the ground and then got up and cut the rope with a knife. Someone shot at us and the old man shot back.

He said something like "Hold on girl, I will get you loose". The man picked me up around the waist and walked away fast. He shot a few more times and then said "No more harm will come to this girl". Then he said something like "Coming straight from god to kill them all". He called them "sons of bitches" and said he was going to kill them all. I think he scared them. Nobody shot at us anymore and we got in the car and when we were on the road I think he asked me if I could drive. He said "Go home and stay anonymous". He had blood all over his face but his eyes were fluorescent blue and I asked him "Are you an Angel or something?" and he said "No but one sent me for you". He said "Now go and I will call the cops".

When I got home it was really late. My brother and I went through the car and it was so clean and nothing in it. In the trunk was only a syringe and then I realized that this red Pontiac must have been the car they abducted me with and put me in the trunk. We are going to have this syringe tested to see what they shot me with. Also, when I was showering I noticed a painful needle mark in my arm and then I remembered one of them saying "HOW DID SHE TEST?". They drew blood from me while I was unconscious. I am very sick and frightened for the man who save me as I don't have a TV and haven't been calm enough for anyone. I learned last night that you can learn a lot about a man looking into his eyes. The snake man and the old man were exactly the opposite as you could see it in their eyes. It was shiny blue eyes of the man who saved me. I now know why he decided to stay there because he was mad as hell and wanted to kill them. I know these snakes did this before to others like me and if they live they will do it again. I especially want the snake eyed man to die. I never want to see him again EVER! People like this can never be rehabilitated in prison. I am so shaken up that I don't think I will ever be normal again...."

Ted Gunderson says there are 50,000- 60,000 human sacrifices every year from the Satanic cults in the USA. Ted says he has those numbers from very reliable sources. 3 separate satanic sources.

John Van Meter Satanic Cover Up Case

The Dreaming Time: Anatomy of a Cover-Up by Homer Van Meter-Publication date ‏January 9th 2015
How following a vision in a dream landed the author in the middle of an horrific gun battle, proving that what haunts us in our sleep may have a basis in reality. In this true life narrative, Van Meter is shot a total of nine times in two separate scrapes with the bad guys and nearly dies, only to become a victim of inept and corrupt police and public officials. The foreword and various contributions are written by retired FBI director Ted Gunderson, who investigated the case and the ensuing cover-up.
Homer Van Meter- Homer Van Meter is a longtime researcher, investigator, and sometime archaeologist seeking the objective truth about the past and how it relates to the present day human experience. He lives near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, with his wife and three dogs.

Homer's web page is:
There is a picture of him and his dog on his website.
He writes about his travels and adventures relating to his investigations, which are sometimes as dangerous as they are enlightening. Both he and his sidekick, a very large Akita dog, have their scars and bullet wounds to attest to the many scrapes they've gotten into. Sometimes amusing, sometimes tragic, he makes the reader feel all the emotion of being there. At times, there is an insightful thread of "having been there before" in Van Meter's views. Like General George Patton, he maintains that reincarnation, for him, is not merely a belief, it is a sure knowledge. For him, the truth of the past must be accurately known to explain what is happening to us now, and to prepare us for what is to come in the future.
Van Meter feels that if the reader does not laugh, or cry, or occasionally grit their teeth, he has not done his job as a writer.

This article is from 2006 and you need a subscription to read it but I am posting it because there are NO ARTICLES on this incredible true story except this one. The Satanic powers of this world always want to control the NARRATIVE which are LIES & DISTRACTIONS from the truth.
Associated Press Apr 24, 2006- A logger told investigators two men drove up and shot at him while he was working alone in the woods, sparking a gunfight in the forest, the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department said.

It makes you wonder about our local police loyalties whether they SERVE THE PEOPLE or are part of the POLICE FREEMASONRY CULT and serve the SATANIC POWERS and NOT the people. This guy John Van Meter got complete INJUSTICE from the Sonoma County California police for saving a woman from a Satanic ritual murder and then got INJUSTICE again by the corrupt Lincoln County Wisconsin police in his home area where he lives.

(Ret) FBI special agent Ted Gunderson was a total patriot exposing the satanic network we live in. Ted died in 2011 and back when he was trying to get attention for all the satanic cases he investigated hardly anybody was awake except those listening to Alex Jones and other shows that focused on the Satanic powers secretly running our world. Anyone who doesn't believe the daily propaganda and sees the real evidence was/is called a "Conspiracy theorist". Ted Gunderson was a very brave man trying to get the truth out and he also became close friends with ex Senator John Decamp who had exposed the Franklin Coverup Satanic pedophile ring (Boystown in Omaha Nebraska) that included at the time (1990) US President George HW Bush implicated in that Pedo ring. These sickos run our world in secrecy as they have a media that misdirects peoples attention away from their crimes.

Source: William Tyndale

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