24 days agoDeath of Democracy! Interview with Romanian Presidential Candidate Călin Georgescu - Viva Frei Live!vivafreiVerified
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3 months agoCalin Georgescu - Former UN Official Exposes UN, Announces Presidential RunZeeeMediaVerified
24 days agoNUCLEAR WAR ALERT! The Winner Of The Romanian Presidential Election Călin GeorgescuThe Alex Jones Show Infowars
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2 months agoAdevărul despre ”speciile” vazute de Calin Georgescu la Davos - una dintre ele: Klaus SchwabActive News Ro
2 months agoRumänischer Präsidentschaftskandidat Georgescu: "Sie wollen unsere Kinder in den Krieg schicken"RT DEVerified
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24 days ago🇷🇴 Romanian Presidential Election Winner Călin Georgescu Reveals The NATO/EU Coup That Has Overthrown His CountryReal Truth Real NewsVerified
2 months agoMacron/Starmer; TROOPS in Ukraine. ROMANIA Georgescu shocks EU Globalists. Ukraine morale sinksAlex ChristoforouVerified
2 months agoLebanon ceasefire. Lavrov, Russia will punish those behind attacks. EU blames TikTok for GeorgescuAlex ChristoforouVerified
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18 days agoGușă despre Călin Georgescu și legăturile cu Sistemul, candidatura Ancăi AlexandrescuIulianaPV
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