1 year agoDavid Baumblatt Episode 1: Former FBI Agent under investigation by Corrupt FBIDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
1 year agoDavid Baumblatt: FBI Agent, West Point Army Officer, Harvard & IMD, Heavyweight Boxer, New Yorker, China Expert, Political Nationalist, Leadership Veteran. Civil War is coming for AmericaDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
8 months agoDavid Baumblatt #116: Trump Assassination Attempt. You have not seen anything yetDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
8 months agoDavid Baumblatt #117: Trump Assassination, I have changed my mind, FBI is nefariously complicitDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
1 year agoDavid Baumblatt #86: I worked for the corrupt Boeing Corporation in ChinaDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
8 months agoDavid Baumblatt #120: Was this an inside job? It does not matter in the big pictureDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
8 months agoDavid Baumblatt #121: CIA Analyst warns of American Civil War and FBI Agent commentsDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
8 months agoDavid Baumblatt #122: FBI will continue to seek Revenge on Trump and MAGADavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
8 months agoDavid Baumblatt #125: LIVE SHOW - Former FBI Agent talks about Government Corruption & IncompetenceDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
8 months agoDavid Baumblatt #128: Former FBI Agent on the Terrorist Watchlist explains corruption of the FBIDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
7 months agoDavid Baumblatt #132: Civil War is coming for AmericaDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
7 months agoDavid Baumblatt #133: UK Race Riots, coming for the USA. Your Race will be your UniformDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
7 months agoDavid Baumblatt #136: January 6th Event and the divide between American Military VeteransDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
7 months agoDavid Baumblatt #139: FBI Agent critiques two CIA Officers stance on Political LeadershipDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
7 months agoDavid Baumblatt #141: More Reasons why Feminism will Collapse AmericaDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
7 months agoDavid Baumblatt #142: Asian Women Worshipping White Men. From a White Guy living in ChinaDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
7 months agoDavid Baumblatt #144: UK Race Riots leading to Civil WarDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
7 months agoDavid Baumblatt #148: FBI involvement into the arrest of Telegram FounderDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
6 months agoDavid Baumblatt #150: FBI arrests Black Nationalist Leader. The government does NOT want us to uniteDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
4 months agoDavid Baumblatt #159: Congratulations to Trump and Team, however my prediction remainsDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
4 months agoDavid Baumblatt #161: Unconstitutional investigation from the corrupt FBIDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
4 months agoDavid Baumblatt #165: No Loyalty equals No Leadership, Guns and Ammo are comingDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
3 months agoDavid Baumblatt #166: When we lose our Justice System, then Vigilante Guns and Ammo Justice are nextDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership
1 year agoDavid Baumblatt #67: Chinese Overseas Propaganda going Horribly WrongDavid Baumblatt Terebinth Leadership