2 years agoGod's Redemption...Light & Truth ❤️ Motive for the new Divine Revelation...3rd Testament Chapter 5-1The Third Testament
1 year agoTodos os olhos me hão-de contemplar... O sol espiritual de Cristo ❤️ O 3º Testamento Capítulo 3-2O Terceiro Testamento
2 years agoUngerechtigkeit & Niedergang der Menschheit... Jesus erklärt ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 52Dahmen
2 years agoNew Revelation... Jesus explains Influence of the spiritual Teaching ❤️ 3rd Testament Chapter 7-3The Third Testament
2 years agoEvery Eye shall see Me ❤️ Spiritual Sun of the Second Coming of Christ... 3rd Testament Chapter 3-2The Third Testament
2 years agoSong of Praise and Harmony of Creation... Christ's Kingdom of Peace and Consummation ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 58-2The Third Testament
2 years agoDevelopment, Purification and Perfection... Jesus Christ explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 63-3The Third Testament
1 year agoEducation and Science... Inspiration and Recognition ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 50-2Jesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe
2 years agoReflections of Jesus on World War 2... Powerful Rulers and Abuse of Power ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 51-2The Third Testament
2 years agoDefects, Sins, Purification and Spiritualization... Jesus explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 63-5The Third Testament
2 years agoCall to spread the New Word of God... Jesus elucidates ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 59The Third Testament
10 months agoInjustice and Decay of Humanity... Jesus explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 52Jesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe
2 years agoThe Injustice and Decay of Humanity... Jesus Christ explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 52The Third Testament
4 months agoDying, Death and Awakening in the Beyond... Jesus Christ explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 28Jesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe
2 years agoStruggle of Spirits for Human Souls... Connection this World & Beyond ❤️ 3rd Testament Chapter 41-3Jesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe
2 years agoThe Dead, Symbols, Relics & Saints ❤️ Christianity, Churches & Worship... 3rd Testament Chapter 14-2The Third Testament
2 years agoLove, Assistance & Grace of God... Jesus Christ explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 22The Third Testament
2 years agoDying, Death and Awakening in the Beyond... Jesus explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 28The Third Testament
2 years agoIncarnation, Nature and Duties of human Beings... Jesus explains ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 32The Third Testament
2 years agoDivine Inspirations & Revelations... Jesus Christ elucidates ❤️ The Third Testament Chapter 23The Third Testament
2 years agoErlösung Gottes... Licht & Wahrheit ❤️ Grund für neue Gottesoffenbarung... 3. Testament Kapitel 5-1Das Dritte Testament
2 years agoAuftrag zur Verbreitung des neuen Gotteswortes... Jesus erläutert ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 59Das Dritte Testament
2 years agoBetrachtungen von Jesus zum 2. Weltkrieg... Machthaber und Machtmissbrauch ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 51-2Das Dritte Testament
2 years agoInkarnation, Natur und Aufgabe des Menschen... Jesus erklärt ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 32Das Dritte Testament
2 years agoBittet, so wird euch gegeben... Jesus erläutert ❤️ Das Dritte Testament Kapitel 17-7/12Jesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe