1 year ago#shorts Lizard spaceruje kolo domu!!! /Lizard walks around the house!!!Sardiene Tanzania Vlog
1 year ago#shorts Przygotowywanie posiłków dla gości / Preparing meals for guestsSardiene Tanzania Vlog
1 year ago#shorts Hałaśliwy lokalny niedzielny targ / Noisy local Sunday marketSardiene Tanzania Vlog
2 months agoPART 2, 19th AUG 22. INTERIOR OF THIS BEAUTIFUL, VERY OLD HISTORICAL LANDMARK IN THE CBD #landmarkTheAdventuresofNolanAllnutt
3 months agoDAY 2, 17th AUGUST 2022. ARRIVED SAFE IN DAR, NOW ON ROUTE TO MY BACKPACKERS #travel #daressalaamTheAdventuresofNolanAllnutt