2 years ago♑️ Capricorn: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: Focused on YOU & what you LOVE; but what's the COST?MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♐️ Sagittarius: Leo Season: 5 Card Guidance: You are in your GLOW; but a choice needs to be made!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♒️Aquarius: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: Repackaging your PAIN; walking into your TRUTH like a BOSS!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♊️ Gemini: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: Getting PAST the hurt & having that uncomfortable CONVO!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♏️ Scorpio: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: What stands between you & your FOCUS; another or yourself?MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♈️ Aries: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: Let go of the fear & confusion & JUST LOVE ON ONE ANOTHER!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♉️ Taurus: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: Karmic Justice for pain of the past; now you can REBUILD!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♓️ Pisces: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: You've been NICE too long; CLEAN HOUSE & get to your HAPPY!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♋️ Cancer: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: Bruised but not broken & refusing to give up after setbacks!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♎️ Libra: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: Daunting decisions will resurface; what path will you choose?MarveMadameTarot