Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer | “Stolen Elections Do Not Equate To Legitimate Presidencies Therefore I Am Going To Refer To Him As Former Vice President Joe Biden, Or I Can Call Him Brandon!” - Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer
Robin Bullock | Yuval Noah Harari and He's the Prophet for World Economic Forum, Barack Obama Praises Him. Bill Gates Praises Him. Mark Zuckerberg Praises Him
Eric Trump | "Truly Amazing How Badly We Need Him Back!" - Eric Trump (Despite Being Within Slapping Distance President Trump Showed Remarkable Restraint and Stood Up to Klaus Schwab Without Slapping Him)
FedNow | Is FedNow the Same As CBDCs? | Cash Ban In 2024? "Here Is Wisdom, Let Him That Hath Understanding Count the Number of the Beast: For It Is the Number of a Man; And His Number Is Six Hundred Threescore And Six." - Rev 13: 16-18