All Arizona LegislaTURDS, AdministraTURDS & Government Officials Receive Subpoenas To Provide Their OATHS + Starting A Citizen Grand Jury In Cochise County To Expose The Election Fraud On Nov 8th & Hold The Demons Accountable | MICHELE SWINICK
Ep.266 Dem's Trump/Hitler HOAX Lays Psychological Groundwork for Election Steal Via Fake UOCAVA Overseas Military Ballots! RFK SUBTLY THREATENS TO ARREST BILL GATES WHEN TRUMP WINS! Giuliani Fk'd By GA Court! Trump Accused of Epstein Crimes
All Arizona LegislaTURDS, AdministraTURDS & Government Officials Receive Subpoenas To Provide Their OATHS + Starting A Citizen Grand Jury In Cochise County To Expose The Election Fraud On Nov 8th & Hold The Demons Accountable | MICHELE SWINICK
432: ARIZONA ELECTION FRAUD - This Was From 11/10 When Everyone Thought The "Results" Were Going To Declare Kari Lake The Winner - MICHELE SWINICK & ANNI CYRUS
ON DEMAND! Aired- Jul.25,'24: Dem. Voter Fraud vs. Election Integrity, weaponized election regulators - it's an American Disaster! Rigged Elections + Stuffed Ballots with little evidence to follow. It's a BLIND SPOT!
#318 PRESIDENT TRUMP WON ARIZONA IN 2020! There Were 58,550 ILLEGAL Ballots In Maricopa County. ELECTION SET ASIDE...TRUMP WINS BY 34,652! Election Crimes MUST STOP...We DEMAND Our Sacred Right Of Voting BACK!