Why Casey Didn't Find the Votes in PA recount: 11/18 S.Court order NOT to count Illegal Ballots

3 months ago

Basic timeline:
-stuff ballots and count them
-makes the race close enough to trigger recount
-try to stuff more
-PA SC says NO
-pick up 4 votes in Round 1, needing 16,000
They definitely had more than four mail-ins ready to inject but they were fake and didn't have postmarks, voter sig, etc so they couldnt be used then.
Falsely-elected Gov Shapiro FINALLY sided against Casey Tuesday, after the Supreme Court order on Monday, which just reiterated previous (very recent) rulings.

Abrams is a scumbag IMO, among other reasons because he says Hovde & Kari Lake have no legit complaints in the full clip (I REMOVED THAT), and he's doing this ON HIS OWN NEWS NETWORK where no one can tell him what to say. Then he goes on about how bad this stuff with the recount is, which we already know, and I think this is to to reinforce his message about Hovde and Lake, make it sound authentic to someone unfamiliar with the recent elections. What these "nonpartisan" news sites are really doing is the same as Fox, they want to keep you on the reservation. But this is a good enough report once you take out the CRAP at the end (GONE).

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