1. FAQ 1: Where did the word Qur'an come from?

    FAQ 1: Where did the word Qur'an come from?

  2. Detecting relics of Syro-Aramaic letters in the early Quranic codices | Christoph Luxenberg

    Detecting relics of Syro-Aramaic letters in the early Quranic codices | Christoph Luxenberg

  3. Nyhetshelgen 261 - De vill tysta oss, galna Candace, äntligen!

    Nyhetshelgen 261 - De vill tysta oss, galna Candace, äntligen!

  4. Where was Mecca? Murad & Sneaker's

    Where was Mecca? Murad & Sneaker's

  5. Does the Quran really refer to Muhammad? Murad & Sneaker's

    Does the Quran really refer to Muhammad? Murad & Sneaker's

  6. Arab League, Russia, Iran, South Africa, Black Lives Matters & Hamas - substitute to video 8

    Arab League, Russia, Iran, South Africa, Black Lives Matters & Hamas - substitute to video 8

  7. A Further Investigation into the Syriac and Christian Substrata of the Qur'an | Surah 52, 53 and 97

    A Further Investigation into the Syriac and Christian Substrata of the Qur'an | Surah 52, 53 and 97

  8. What Lies Ahead After Brexit For ENGLAND: Flavia Kleiner & Douglas Murray Engage in a Heated Debate

    What Lies Ahead After Brexit For ENGLAND: Flavia Kleiner & Douglas Murray Engage in a Heated Debate

  9. Origins of Islamic Friday? Discussion with Murad

    Origins of Islamic Friday? Discussion with Murad

  10. The Most Important Day of the week: Arabic reveals a different story

    The Most Important Day of the week: Arabic reveals a different story

  11. Open Borders Multiculturalism vs Sovereignty: Perspectives from Flavia Klein and Douglas Murray

    Open Borders Multiculturalism vs Sovereignty: Perspectives from Flavia Klein and Douglas Murray

  12. Douglas Murray Vs Flavia Kleiner - His Rebuttal Was Sheer Genius & She Knew It

    Douglas Murray Vs Flavia Kleiner - His Rebuttal Was Sheer Genius & She Knew It

  13. REACTION VIDEO: Douglas Murray Vs Flavia Kleiner - Forum on European Culture DEBATE Part SEVEN

    REACTION VIDEO: Douglas Murray Vs Flavia Kleiner - Forum on European Culture DEBATE Part SEVEN

  14. REACTION VIDEO: Douglas Murray Vs Flavia Kleiner - Forum on European Culture DEBATE Part FIVE

    REACTION VIDEO: Douglas Murray Vs Flavia Kleiner - Forum on European Culture DEBATE Part FIVE

  15. REACTION VIDEO: Douglas Murray Vs Flavia Kleiner - Forum on European Culture DEBATE Part FOUR

    REACTION VIDEO: Douglas Murray Vs Flavia Kleiner - Forum on European Culture DEBATE Part FOUR

  16. Douglas Murray Debates Flavia Kleiner - They Needed a Referee to Stop This Massacre

    Douglas Murray Debates Flavia Kleiner - They Needed a Referee to Stop This Massacre

  17. The Shocking Plan That Spells Doom for Western Civilization - Flavia Kleiner Is Behind It!!!

    The Shocking Plan That Spells Doom for Western Civilization - Flavia Kleiner Is Behind It!!!

  18. REACTION VIDEO: Douglas Murray Vs Flavia Kleiner - Forum on European Culture DEBATE Part NINE

    REACTION VIDEO: Douglas Murray Vs Flavia Kleiner - Forum on European Culture DEBATE Part NINE

  19. Debate Gets Personal: Douglas Murray and Flavia Kleiner Trade Insults as Moderator Struggles

    Debate Gets Personal: Douglas Murray and Flavia Kleiner Trade Insults as Moderator Struggles

  20. Douglas Murray Debates Flavia Kleiner - He Literally Annihilated Her With His Words

    Douglas Murray Debates Flavia Kleiner - He Literally Annihilated Her With His Words

  21. She Got Demolished: Douglas Murray Completely Dominates Flavia Kleiner on Every Issue

    She Got Demolished: Douglas Murray Completely Dominates Flavia Kleiner on Every Issue

  22. Flavia Kleiner Debates Douglas Murray - Flavia's Opening Statement Is Terrible

    Flavia Kleiner Debates Douglas Murray - Flavia's Opening Statement Is Terrible
