Arab League, Russia, Iran, South Africa, Black Lives Matters & Hamas - substitute to video 8

8 months ago

Words on the topics mentioned in the title - you get some history on slavery too...-
And if you read up on the history of the Persian empire bit later the Roman empire and Ottomans you come across the Jewish history in Israel - just some ideas about who is a colonizer and who tries to steal the land..psst shocking news, it's not the Jews.. Oooh! Oh shit, what do you do now with your antisemitism? One idea: drop it and you will feel better.then you can book your next vacation in Tel Aviv! Party, art & a nice beach. And the best food in the world, too.

Dalia Ziada (Arabic with English subtitles)
Part 1
Part 2

Douglas Murray a talk on Islam, Immigration..

Rape & Islam:
Principles in the Quran explained - See Video 1

The innocent civilian lie is also still alive and I sometimes post sarcastic texts about it. Like this
"The innocent civilians in Gaza built a tunnel for their tin soldiers and matchbox cars and the evil Israelis destroyed it for no reason - honestly! "
Of course the Israeli hostages are also raped non stop by innocent civilians. Of course. But the world cares a lot about human rights.. Of course. You prove it every day!

South Africa
This video was the one that confused me and made me delete video 8:

Iran during WW2

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