Prophecy 49 Excerpts. YAH Warns to Prayer against WWIII Coming "Beware America, for the next World War III will be the beginning of the end for you and many other nations shall fall when you do.." (MAD) Mutual Assured Destruction
Amightywind Prophecy 73 (short version) Judgment! A Fake Rapture Coming! Project Blue Beam Deception a coming dark jesus. YAHUSHUA JESUS and True Rapture Mocked and much more
Prophecy 92 Excerpts fallen angels did many false wonders using Chris Angel, Hinn, Parsley. But soon "Satan’s elite forces will come in the form of UFO’ think is only science fiction."
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YDS!! 17 YEARS!! (Unique Holy Prayer Intercessors Birthed in 2005 During Visitations from Archangels Michael & Gabriel under YAH'S COMMAND) mirrored