Local Philanthropists Give Checks to 100s of Displaced Palisades Families/ Secretary of State Rubio Ends COVID-Era Work-from-Home Nonsense/Senate Committee Delays Pam Bondi’s Attorney General Confirmation
Popular Weight-Loss Drug Ozempic Shrinks Heart Muscles in Recipients/vBombshell Study Censored by The Lancet Finally Released: Confirms ‘High Likelihood of Causal Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Death’/Ukraine’s Ex-Top General and Current UK Amba
How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel/ Zuckerberg Promises Less Censorship on Facebook/19-Year-Old’s Breasts Balloon from B Cup to Triple G After Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
Newsom Declares Emergency Over Bird Flu Outbreak In California/Ron Paul Asks What’s The US Doing in Syria/Putin Says Israel Is The Main Winner In Syria/Records Reveal Nancy and Paul Pelosi Cashed in on Federal Covid Bailouts