Robert Kennedy Jr. with Sasha Latipova Expert on Covid 19 JABS Being a BIOWEAPON DEPLOYED BY U.S. DOD

1 year ago

This should be Front Page News of course !
Sasha Latipova is an expert on the contracts & agreements with Pfizer et al and the DOD. She has irrefutable documented evidence via contracts, agreements, signed documents that the Covid 19 shots are actually BIOWEAPONS designed to kill us. No safety trials were done correctly at all, no testing for transmission or prevention of illness

And the Pfizer Documents Book now sold out on Amazon and going for a second printing proves they KNEW it harmed, and Killed human beings.

They knew it should NEVER be given to pregnant women who have now lost their babies. So what does this mean? Our own Department of Defense is killing its own military! And us and has deployed this on the world as the Russian BioWeapons Expert General reported. An act of war!

I hope Robert Kennedy sues for this, I think that was the point of this interview. Thank God for him! I sure hope he announces his run for U.S. President. He is already doing more than just about everyone to expose the crimes. He will clean up the government and help save humanity.

Get down to your local pharmacies and demand they stop injecting your neighbors and community with a known bioweapon. Please! Why are we all tolerating and even supporting mass murder while we shop with our silence? Fear? Uncomfortable to demand this? Hell yes but we must have as much courage as we expect from our soldiers who are now compomised and dying off.
Pilots are dead and dying and can no longer fly, both military and commercial. Clots are more likely at altitude.

Covid Injected people are transmitting/shedding horrible toxins to other by touch, body fluids, breath. They are walking bioweapons now manufacturing spikes proteins, filled with nano cirucuitry that yes indeed can connect with the 3G, 4G and esp. 5G to control body functions , behavior.

We are all lab rats now. We are all Jewish now as Nazi Holocaust Survivor Vera Sharav states. And there are NO allies coming to rescue us. So please each and every one of us take action.

If you would like to be a part of a committee dedicated to Ban The Jab please leave a comment. Action from us all is needed to save our lives, future and children.

Hot off the Press, Robert Kennedy Jr is running for president! Vote for the man not the party, HE WILL save not only our country but the world, he knows about the depopuation agenda, he is fighting for us like no one else already! Please support Bobby Kennedy for President!!!! He is no puppet like the rest!

If you may be able to donate a 'Bit' of Bitcoin to help fund my research time to bring you this important information it is much appreciated here is my new Bitcoin address: bc1q059rem7c2zsja7ucc5twsu44gel7x2kelhplad

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