They Really Think You Are Stupid And Won't Figure It Out For Yourself! Infact Their Bank Account$ Rely On You Not Figuring It Out For Yourself! #StopTheGrift
They are still telling eachother that its the "mark of the beast" and "moderna gave them a demon field" in the form of a "Bioweapon" this is why education & Terminologies are so very important!
JD Vance | Pray Trump Isn't Deceived By Vance + The Billionaire (Peter Thiel) Who Fueled Vance’s Rapid Rise to Political Power Invested $280 Million Into Elon Musk's Neuralink + Millions Into BlackRock's Neurotech + 12 Facts
You would think as Self Proclaimed "Christians" that they would want every Christian To Know about God's Protection Over You! Instead We Get God Bless And Buy Our Products!