2 years agoCIA LIEbrary - 1500 SPIES walk onto a Beach.. Do they Spot the Flat eARTh?!?! One day we will Know!ARTofDiNo
2 years agoElephant in the Americas Flyby Animation & Rendezvous with Destiny Patriot Song - Rise Against EVIL!ARTofDiNo
2 years agoThe Ancient CALUMET Peace Pipe and Dance - If Only Our Current 'Leaders' could Smoke & Achieve PeaceARTofDiNo
2 years agoThe Medicean Villas, Palaces and Mansions featuring the ART of Giusto Utins!! Thoughts and Theories!ARTofDiNo
1 year agoSave eARTh Sunday #1: Life Now & Then, Toxic Products, Grand Deceptions & the NEED to Free Minds NOWARTofDiNo
2 years agoTartarian tales 47 CIA Edition! Indications of Psychological Vulnerabilities While Erasing History!!ARTofDiNo
2 years agoHistory of Inventions & Discoveries Book of 1826 -Alchemy, Aelipole, Electricity, Name, Steam & moreARTofDiNo
2 years agoSHIPROCK, NewMexico - Ancient Cities, Medieval Navajo Griffons, Lightning Weapons + An Ancient Book!ARTofDiNo
2 years agoCIA -LIE-brary 3 - a 1915 'Futurist' Predicts Our Modern World! Prophet or FRAUD?! HAPPY NEW YEAR!ARTofDiNo
1 year agoTartarian Tales 74 - The Temple of PooTaLa, Sacred Hills & Seven Star Hills of TARTARIA before 1834!ARTofDiNo
2 years agotARTarian TALES 59 - GREAT TARTARY - Incredible Historical and GeoPolitical Insight from a Lost TimeARTofDiNo
2 years agoFavorite Piri Reis Map of i525!? & David Rumsey Unleashes His Collection @ Archive.Org - EXPLORE IT!ARTofDiNo
2 years agoTARTARIAN TALES 62 - Great City of JAGGARNAT & The Unsolved Aethereal Magic of the Ancient Temple!ARTofDiNo
1 year agoa Land Before Time Song Tells of the Obvious Flat eARTh REALITY since the Dawn of Time...ARTofDiNo
1 year agoSPACE FORCE SYMBOLISM - a Collection of Patches and Theories as to WTF is happening with "SPACE"...ARTofDiNo
1 year agoEnvisioning the Ancient PRIME-TIME of Our Realm's Lost Civilizations @ Meteora, Amalfi and More!!!!ARTofDiNo
2 years agoFlat eARTh London Zetetics of 1887 DEMAND a reveal of eARTh's TRUE Size and Shape - No More LIES!ARTofDiNo
2 years agoCIA LIE-brary 2 - The Weather Control Comm-Ease of 1966 - Blame ur Enemy for what ur Guilty of..ARTofDiNo
2 years agoReflections of WORLD War in Dresden, Germany/Tartaria... Ancient Mastery Destroyed.... for WHAT??!!!ARTofDiNo
2 years agothe ZIGGURAT of UR & Cylinder of Nabonidus Translated! Ancient Megastructure of Our Collective DreamARTofDiNo
2 years agoTARTARIAN TALES (the Song!) starring BELLA! Rockin' with a collection of ART Covers! Enjoy :)ARTofDiNo
2 years agoA Walk Through Tartarian Skies - Midnite Animation - Towards the Light of Truth wherever it shines!ARTofDiNo