Save eARTh Sunday #1: Life Now & Then, Toxic Products, Grand Deceptions & the NEED to Free Minds NOW

1 year ago
63 - Brought to you by diNo of - Hope you Enjoy The Very First Episode of this New and Experimental Weekly Report from SAVE eARTh 501c3 Public Charity of Which WE ARE ALL a pART! SO ADD COMMENTS BELOW with links to news stories that you feel are essential in order to Heighten the Awareness of Our Fellow eARThlings, so that we may all rise up in Harmony, and FIX this Realm... as we Explore beyond it and Discover the Ancient Wisdom that we deserve to KNOW and utilize... There are a lot of deceptions out there, coming from a LOT of sources all over the world, every day, every instant.. Let Save eARTh be a mechanism for shattering the deceptions and depressions and guiding humanity towards Enlightenment, Peace and Love for each other, Ourselves, and Our World! EVERYTHING is PERFECT.. remember this... and stay tuned each week for More from SAVE eARTh! Bless You ALL!
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Hosted, Compiled and Featuring Art by diNo of
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With a little help from Erin Sarah of

Together We Can and WILL SAVE eARTh!

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