On Demand! June 27: Is George Soros a modern day Judas Iscariot? Judas betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of Silver. George Soros did it for 2 Trillion Dollars! The Evil Betrayer!
University of Nevada Las Vegas: Some Mockers, Lesbians Kissing, One Young Man Seemed To Be Under Conviction, Jesus Christ Exalted to Thousands of Students
Louisiana State Univ: Yet ANOTHER Street Preacher Joins Me On Campus, I Manage To Incite A Luke Warm Christian To Start Preaching to My Crowd, The Gospel of Jesus Christ Shines Forth!!!
Univ of North Texas: Even in The Rain & Wind, Gospel Preaching Draws A Crowd, Dealing with Sexual Perverts, Agnostics, Skeptics and Hypocrites, Jesus Christ Exalted
University of Texas, San Antonio: Atheist Contending With Me Helps Me Draw A Small Crowd, Great Questions, Sober Students, A Wonderful Day of Exalting Jesus Christ
University of Tennessee Chattanooga: Dealing w/ Mockers, 1 Female Atheist Invites Discussion, Two Pagan Bisexuals Have A Lengthy Discussion, Jesus Christ Is Exalted!
Univ of Nevada, Reno: Massive Crowd, Jesus is Exalted, Sinner Throws Sandwich At Me, Homosexuals, Atheists, Muslims & Hypocrites Confronted with the Gospel