On Demand! June 27: Is George Soros a modern day Judas Iscariot? Judas betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of Silver. George Soros did it for 2 Trillion Dollars! The Evil Betrayer!

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On Demand APOCALYPSE! Aired June 27.'24 8p ET Thursday: Is George Soros a modern day Judas Iscariot? Judas betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of Silver. George Soros did it for 2 Trillion Dollars! The Evil Betrayer!

Join us for this P3i (Public Protection Program Initiative) presentation about this evil elitist existential threat to America, George Soros and his "clone kids"!

In Nazi Hungary, George was adopted by leaders, and helped betray the Jews, and after sending 440,000 of them to AUSCHWITZ DEATH CAMP, he and his father and two brothers fled with Nazi Hungarian Finance MInister, Erhag Tolde, on a custom train, with 375 Million dollars of Jewish cash and Jewish Assets, stolen from the victims they'd sent to their deaths.

The train split, half with George and his family, fled by barge to ENGLAND. The other half Tolde took to Spain and then Egypt and the Argentina. There, Hitler, who did NOT commit suicide in his Bunker, joined them transported by a Nazi Submarine flotilla to Argentina, where he lived out his days developing a global NAZI Network, which Soros is presently the Fuhrer (leader) of. George, like his sons, still hates Jews and wants to exterminate them all. In Egypt in 1946, one of his mates, Otto Skorzeny and his, the Grand Mufti, recruited the Palestinians, who were living in Jordan, after being recruited to fight the Turks from their original Homeland, IRAQ in the Chaldean province. They were never Israeli Arabs. They adopted the name Palestinian to make it almost look that way. That way they could falsely claim occupation and right of return. So as to fool people with a false cause. They are indigenous Bedouin Arabs of Chaldea, Iraq.

George Soros has been eking out his personal vendetta against those who defeated Nazi Germany, by destroying entire nations, 27 of whom have deported him and banned him from any business in their nation's scope. The USA should do the same.

In this Episode, we will show you all of the ins and outs of this man who hates Jews, Humanity and Anyone who disagrees with him or his No Police, No Prosecution, No Government except for a National Socialist Bund, No Rights or Freedoms, and in which he is the wealthiest man and his minions and he have all the nation's and world's wealth and everyone else is a SLAVE.

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