Amightywind Prophecy 28 - Are You One of My Hidden Ones? YAH'S Anointed Geniuses "MY People have been hidden," "walked alone without counsel" "have been taught of MY RUACH ha KODESH."
Amightywind Prophecy 68 "Mock Me (YAHUVEH) If You Dare!" YAH'S WORD mocked also people calling us True Messianic Jews & Pentecostals, demon worshippers over certain doctrines is INSANITY. YAH promises Penalties
Plagues/Bad Marriages/People putting their faith in Science and more! YAH'S Prophecy 69 Excerpts " There Is A Coming Of The Changing Of The Guards!" (mirrored)
Video Excerpts - Anointed Minister Warns Believers in YAHUSHUA/JESUS "You have a responsibility to help this Ministry to warn the people...that there are satanists in the midst of their communities trying to devour them"
Amightywind Prophecy 55 - WARN THE PEOPLE! DEVASTATION IS COMING!!! (Added features, potent) "That's why I'm telling MY Daughter now; speak it forth in a spoken word."
Amightywind Prophecy 34 - The Walls Of Jericho Will Fall Again! "When the Mark of the Beast comes people will think it is a blessing.. Because MY Elijah of New speaks forth MY Words she is shunned.."