Amightwind Defense video 2009 & On Youtube/Internet battle, antichrist church got Wiped out most are hybrids praying to a fake dark jesus aka satan

10 months ago

this is a mirrored video originally produced by YAHSservant777 thank you for all the many years of sheer dedication and devotion to YAH & YAHUSHUA and THEIR children.
YAHUSHUA's Truthseekers, stay tuned as the satanists have declared spiritual warfare and a fast against YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's own Ministry and ministers (LOL). In this video we let them know what we think of that challenge.

For those that have no clue yet what is going on,
satan has sent his servants disguised as "Christians and ministers of righteousness" into the midst of the Christian community here on Youtube to keep and eye on them, making sure that when a true prophet of YAHUVEH or messenger comes in that they either chase the Prophet itself away, or YAHUSHUA's Sheep from that Prophet. This satanic network of which "pastorgeorgec, wisdomhunter93, tsky1974, donny71954, nephtali1981, soldiersofthecross John and Sheren" just to name a few, are a part of, lead people to a false and unbiblical Jesus who is none other than the devil himself. Come out from among them while you have the chance, for they have come under YAHUVEH's Judgment. They now have declared war and a fast against AMIGHTYWIND MINISTRY for it's destruction but forget that MANY have gone before them; ALL FAILED. Watch this video to find out why.


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If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today, please click the link below to read and pray along with me the salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know so we can rejoice together with you.

In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S name, love and shalom, Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
AmightyWind YDS Song/Anthem as heard in outro:

To contact YAHS Beloved Apostle Elisheva

See all Prophecies here

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