4 years agoHow Dare You Virologist?! Excerpts from the Guy that Demands Too Much Respect..Mark Pires Inventor of The BeatSeat: One Man Band Music 10PM EST Daily!Verified
2 years agoFDA Wants “SERIAL TESTING” EVERY 48 HOURS If Getting A NEGATIVE RESULT Continues!!! 👀PressForTruth
4 months agoLook at you go now eh pavlovski yep, stellar creature culling CSIS CIA puppet yup!Alpha Omega 1412
3 years agoMandatory Vaccines No Longer “Conspiracy Theory”, Now “Conspiracy Fact”! What You NEED To Know!!Destroyer of bricks in the pyramid
1 year agoSWN 17May23 -Harpootlian’s Motion claims Satterfield's million $$$ unjust enrichment harms real Murdaugh victimspolitics, law, news of the day
1 year agothe problem is me, son...more vitriol for ya WARNING: contrarian polemical musicalkaleidoscopeANON