the problem is me, son...more vitriol for ya WARNING: contrarian polemical musical

1 year ago

social media ain't communication
twitter ain't conversation
pornography ain't the way sex should be
america has never been a good country
pay attention damnit
22 vets a day killin themselves on drugs handed out by the VA explain that mr patriot
war mongering sacks a shit
we love war no matter what it's for
$ oil power control all amts to playing God...gotta let it run its' course
the ones claiming they believe in God are the ones totally fine w/ genocide
the secular ones on the SSRIs protesting all the time cos they're dead inside
those pills dehumanize...side rant about psych meds
1 outta 4 americans are on this shit...this will only be more n more relevant
the ones that prove that they don't believe in God over n over again still care about the environment n if kids die from either gunfire or mfing genocide
man i really sound like a leftist haha
there is no future, there never was
the kids are trance! cos of the smartphones
constructive criticism for the country i live in...true patriot perhaps, thoreau shoutout
can't sit in the same room w/ a dude for too long (my dick is bigger than his i guess)
i've seen myself in every relationship n i can't wait to get away
the bathroom is my sanctuary always
i'm sorry that i'm this way but i can't help it, man
honest to a fault
i've curbed it over the years cos i have to, gotten into too much trouble
tired of having to explain myself
mental illness is a crutch as well as an easy cop out
halfsies mental ill, we really are the best (no, it's not "bipolar")
i was totally fine w/ being an alcoholic haha
stop meddling, damnit IT WON'T WORK
spiritual narcissists are bullies that pretend to believe in God
when the girl at work asks you if she's fat n you say, uh yeah
i love keira now, i used to find her so annoying but since then my respect for her has sky-rocketed
i don't ever wanna hurt people's feelings
black grandmas are mean, i woulda never assumed that haha
and another racist statement for ya...

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