19 days agoPrimitive Technology: Amazing Process Catch A Giant HoneyBee For Food On The Big Treesamuelkings1
5 years agoHow-To Fix A Weak Hive - Bee Infusion -- Adding bees to the Orange hive and hoping they stay.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoPollinators Delight - Time to get the seeds in the ground, planting a variety for the bees.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoStop Laying Workers. My solution to stop laying workers in the red hive. The End of Red Dawn.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoTwo Queens in One Beehive? Is it possible to have two queens in one hive? It is in the green hive.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoNot Again? The third swarm.Trying a trick to bring them down from the tree. Will it work?Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoNew Beginnings -- Life, Death, and Rebirth. Discusssing the fate of the Orange hive.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
5 years agoRobbed Out - Orange hive is in crisis. Continual robbing since the split. Hanging by a thread.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
5 years agoGroundhog Day! It's Official -- Early Spring! Quick Hive Update and planting for spring.Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoHow to Stop a Swarm - Yellow hive tried to swarm but I shut them down. Thanks Frederick Dunn!Bug Farmer Beekeeping
4 years agoThree New Queens-Installing new queen in the Orange, Green, and the Red Flowhive.Bug Farmer Beekeeping