Bees Need Love Too! -- Drones in February?

5 years ago

I don't know if this is normal or not but I seem to have drones flying around in February. Is this because of the hive heaters? The pollen is coming in and the nectar will be flowing soon. Time to start getting ready for the 2020 bee season.

If you are considering installing a sustainable or edible landscape or becoming a beekeeper or starting beekeeping as a hobby this is the channel for you. I will show you everything I learned in my first year of beekeeping and you can learn with me as I experience and overcome the challenges I encounter in my second year and beyond. I will also feature some how-to videos because I am perpetually curious and creative and am always building something.

Thank you for visiting my channel and I really hope you like, subscribe, and ring the bell.

#drone #beekeeping #how-to

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