These Genuine Tears is What Gains This Clip Any Attention Here, Reflecting Back at Humanity (Politics Irrelevant) its AVERAGE/Widespread False Beliefs Generated From Fear—Thus Beliefs/Questions are Born of False Premises, and it'll TRIP YOU UP!
Parts Work: What is Parts Work and How To Do It — Teal Swan | WE in 5D: I'm gonna go ahead and place the bet that this could be the most important video my "Locals Constellation" could view in 2025. #InnerWork
It's Easy to Distract Yourself with What's Going on Outside of You, But What's Going on Outside of You is Reflecting Back to You What You Need to Heal Inside of YOURSELF. [Holding Space for Others (Real Empathy) Up to a Point] | Phil Good
⚡️SHOCKING VIDEO⚡️ Joe Biden is DEAD: National Security Council Advisor Spills it in UNDERCOVER VIDEO! | WE in 5D: What Awakening Individuals Knew Seems to Be Coming to Revelation...
FULL SHOW: Fulfilling His Promise, President Trump DEVASTATED The Illuminati On DAY ONE With Over 200 Executive Orders! Alex Jones Breaks Down Trump’s Historic Executive Actions And What's Happening Now On DAY TWO! (1/21/25)
SHOCK VIDEO—What's Old is New: Moderna's CEO Confess To Creating The COVID-19 VaxXx TWO Years Before The Now Confirmed Lab-Made Virus Was Released On The World‼️
"You Are Under Attack!": Learn How The Democrat/Deep State Intentionally Burned Los Angeles To The Ground, And What's Coming Next! — FULL SHOW (1/10/25)