Bible Study 5C-D: Saving Faith: What It Is Not & Is--in How Do I Receive the Gospel? God's Promise

3 years ago

Bible Study 5C-D completes the answer to the question, "How Do I Receive the Gospel?" by explaining what saving faith is not (5C) and what it is (5D); 5A-B explained false and true repentance. God's most important promise is to save those who repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Counterfeit belief that falls short of saving faith includes the following:

Dead faith is not saving faith (James 2:14-26). True faith always results in a changed life and good works. Nor is mere mental assent to facts saving faith; the devils are totally orthodox but are not lost (James 2:19).

Emotional or volitional actions without intellectual understanding is not saving faith (Acts 19:1-6). You must understand the gospel before you can believe it.

Faith that does not result in communion with Christ is not saving faith (John 17:3). Through the Son the Triune God has supernaturally revealed Himself to His people (Matthew 11:25-27).

Faith to live for God day by day is not the same as saving faith (Hebrews 11). Justifying faith is a one-time event in which a person ceases to trust his own works, and relies for pardon upon the Christ who was crucified to save him. The faith of the already justified is not a one-time committal to Christ, but a daily, growing confidence in the Savior.

Faith that fails to endure is not saving faith (Philippians 1:6, 29). Those with genuine faith will endure by the grace of God.

Only genuine repentance and faith will lead to life. Do not deceive yourself. Only those with “the faith of God’s elect” (Titus 1:1) will enter God's kingdom.

In contrast to such counterfeit "faith," saving faith receives, believes on, trusts in, and rests upon the Lord Jesus Christ for justification, sanctification, and eternal life, while believing to be true whatsoever is revealed in the Word of God.

The Holy Spirit works through the Word of God to produce the new birth (James 1:18). Genuine conversion does not come through visions, dreams, special feelings, or anything other than the Bible, the Word of God.

Since Jesus Christ is Lord, saving faith includes repentance (see Bible Study 5A-B).

Saving faith receives, believes on, trusts in, and rests upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Since He alone is the Savior, salvation is not by works—it is by repentant faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). Salvation is not based on anything you have done, are doing, or will do in the future. It is the gift of God.

Salvation is 100% by God’s grace through faith and 0% by works—God has given no law of any kind that can save anybody (Galatians 3:21). Those whom Christ saves are eternally secure—once saved, always saved (John 10:28-30). You cannot earn salvation by your deeds nor lose it by failing to do enough works. “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law” (Romans 3:28). Jesus Christ is the Savior, and He actually saves by the merit of His death and shed blood alone.

Saving faith looks to Christ as the God-Man and crucified sin-bearer who was lifted up to die on the cross to save sinners based on His substitutionary work (John 3:13-18), and then rose from the grave and ascended to heaven. Genuine faith involves knowing the facts of the gospel, accepting them as true, and trusting or relying upon Christ (Hebrews 11:13). You must trust in the Lord Jesus alone for your eternal salvation.

Repentant faith alone is the only instrument or means through which justification is received; it is the empty hand that takes the gift God offers freely. Religious sacraments, good deeds, trying to do better, asking Jesus into your heart, trying to love Jesus Christ more, experiences with (what is thought to be) the Holy Spirit, repeating the “sinner’s prayer,” seeking to feel more sorry for sin, and all else, is excluded. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).

Have you ever repented and believed in Christ? Have you recognized not only the danger, but also the filthiness of your sins? Have you turned from all your sins to the Lord? Have you, believing to be true whatsoever is revealed in the Word of God, received, believed on, trusted in, and rested upon the Lord Jesus Christ for justification, sanctification, and eternal life?

You have had a time when you were born, and you will have a time when you will die. Was there a time when you were born again? The Lord Jesus could return, or you could die, at any moment. Are you ready to meet God?

Trust Christ today for justification—perfect remission of sins and the imputation of His righteousness; sanctification—freedom from sin’s power and control; and eternal life—fellowship with God now and an everlasting enjoyment of Him to come! He will save you by His grace alone, through repentant faith alone, as revealed in the Bible alone, for God's glory alone. Hear the promise of the Lord Jesus: “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).

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