Killer Robots | "We Got Several Leading Robotics Companies, In China, the United States & In Europe to Co-Sign a Letter That Said We Would Not Put Weapons On Robots." - Robert Player (CEO of Boston Dynamics, the Creators of Humanoid Atlas)
NOTIZIE DAL MONDO il premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu dichiara alla 79ma Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite a New York all'ONU:'Palude di bile antisemita'.E in molti lasciano l'aula fra queste quella della Turchia e Iran
Ikki de fenix vs Mira. Arcangelo Michele contro le forze del male satasioniste.GESù disse:la bestemmia contro lo Spirito NON SARà PERDONATA.CHIUNQUE parli contro lo Spirito SANTO,NON SARà PERDONATO né in questo mondo né in quello futuro PAROLA DI DIO
X | Why Did Elon Musk Change the Name of Twitter to "X"? (Part 2 of 4) Why Does Now Point to Why Did Elon Musk Tweet Out? "Not Sure What Subtle Clues Gave It Way, But I Like the Letter X."
X | What Is the Truth About THE LETTER X? Why Elon Musk Musk Renamed Twitter to Be "We Could Merge with Artificial Intelligence." - Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Name His Kid?