1 year ago为啥拜登不担心中国?谁煽动抵制佛州买房法案?|歌手帮助中国影响美国的十项罪 |总检察长讲选举欺诈的事实 |逃离蓝州的选民须清醒 |基督徒是世上最受迫害的群体 |不能改写新冠疫情的历史北美保守评论Verified
1 year ago20230419文贵先生语音:419VOA断播门六周年!历史时刻就是使命,我们是无差别在全世界各国各个地方的影响超出想象!从2017年灭爆小组对我们攻击到了今天;从清风看守所到纽约看守所整34年Focus77
1 year agoUltimate Iceberg of Unexplained, Bizarre, and Unsolved [Part 1]Information & Entertainment. No Fluff
1 year agoIt matters to every American citizen and to people all across the globeHimalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
1 year ago15 more days before Miles could testify, Miles was arrested. What a coincidence!Himalaya Quantum 旧金山量子农场
1 year ago20230419文贵先生语音:419VOA断播门六周年!我们是无差别在全世界各国各个地方的影响超出想象!从2017年灭爆小组对我们攻击到了今天;从清风看守所到纽约看守所整34年!(精简字幕版)文贵先生视频库
1 year agoCongressman Santos indicted for “campaign funding issue“ just a day after visiting NFSC’s baseGloryTeam7