Congressman Santos indicted for “campaign funding issue“ just a day after visiting NFSC’s base

1 year ago

05/09/2023 【Miles Insight】It is such a weird coincidence that Congressman Santos is indicted for the so-called election campaign funding issue just one business day after visiting the NFSC’s base. However, in both Pras Michel’s case and CCP’s secret police station case, politicians receiving large amounts of campaign funds from the CCP have not been held accountable at all.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
05/09/2023【Nicole看七哥】国会议员桑托斯在访问新中国联邦基地后仅一个工作日就因所谓的竞选资金问题被起诉,这真是一个奇怪的巧合。 但无论是在普拉斯·米歇尔案还是中共秘密警察局的案件中,收受中共大量竞选资金的政客都没有被追究责任。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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