FedNow | Is FedNow a CBDC Gateway? | FedNow Launches In the United States | Is FedNow A Backdoor Entry Point for the Introduction of Programmable & Expiring Money Known As CBDCs In America?
General Flynn | URGENT + Racing Toward An Intentional Demolition of the U.S. Dollar & Introduction of BRICS-Controlled Programmable CBDCs & Build Back Better / Great Reset? + The Singularity? ReAwaken Heads to NC Oct 18-19
CBDC | Project Icebreaker & CBDCs Being Released World Wide NOW!!! Are We Witnessing the Introduction of the Mark of the Beast System? BRICS Looks Add Additional Members Including: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mexico, etc.
Medical Murder is the #1 Cause of Death in the U.S. – By Design (People Are Too Expensive – Satan’s Big Lie) - Part 4: Why? The Esoteric Spiritual Battle