The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal - Part 22 [14.04.2022]

2 years ago

Part 22: covid-19: part 5 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.
About money & murder in hospitals...

Note: Are Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Robert Malone (and Dr. Ryan Cole) also totally brainwashed idiots and won't do the research about if any 'virus' ever had been 'isolated', the 'history' of 'viruses' and 'Big Pharma's' Pharmacia (Sorcery disguised as Medicine) ? - Follow the Fucking Money, or are the also Controlled Opposition Psyop's

Just like I say, 99,99% of people are eather totally brainwashed morons and won't do the research even if you can deliever it right in front of them that any 'virus' never had been 'isolated', the 'history' of 'viruses' and 'Big Pharma's' Pharmacia (Sorcery disguised as Medicine) - Follow the Fucking Money, and talk to Dr Tom Cowan and Dr Andrew Kaudmann, or they are Controlled Opposition Psyop's? There is NO such thing as a 'Coincidence'!

And again, are these 'freedom Fighter' only in it for the Money (Follow the Fucking money) Like Judas, here I also mean Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter who ALWAYS ask people ti 'donate' so they can continue giving their 'work' to the world for free.. A REAL Freedom Fighter does everything for FREE....
There is NO such thing as a 'Coincidence'!

Predictive Programming (MKultra)
Social Engineering
Mass Psychosis:
Cognitive Dissonance:
Controlled Opposition:
Pharmacia (Sorcery disguised as Medicine):
The beginning and end of Virology - The End of Germ Theory...
(Links for verification and research under all my videos)
'Viruses' does NOT excist! Documented and Confirmed!
TERRAIN - The Film (Part 1 & 2 'Passing the Torch') [12.02.2022]
The End of Germ Theory... TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world PLANdemic hoax, built upon the flawed model of illness and disease known as Germ Theory.

- Does 'Viruses' exists? (No)
- Does all people have an 'immune system'? (no)
- What is a 'Virus' and a 'Dis'-ease?
- Do you have an 'Dis'-ease?
- What is 'Cancer' and how do I cure it?
- Do you take Pharmakeia 'Medicine'?
- Do you trust the 'Science' alá Big Pharma?
- Who has the 'liability' for all 'medicine' to the people?

Timeline + Content:
00:00:00 Commercials/Advertisement
00:32:00 Terrain - The Film 'Part 1'
01:32:00 So Who is Dr. Stefan Lanka PH.D? + Commercials
01:40:00 Introduction + Roundtable Discussion with Cast Members + Commercials
02:47:00 Introduction to Part 2 by David Icke
03:02:00 Terrain - The Film Part 2: 'Passing the Torch' + Commercials
04:15:00 Live Q & A with Marcelina Cravat and Andrew Kaufman, M.D
'Viruses' does NOT excist! Documented and Confirmed!
The Viral Delusion Part 1 Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 [21.03.2022]
The Viral Delusion Part 2: Monkey Business: Polio, Measles And How It All Began! [27.03.2022]
(Links for verification and research under all my videos)

The Untold Story Behind The Pandemic. The doctors, scientists and journalists featured in THE VIRAL DELUSION examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering. In this shocking, five-part, seven hour documentary series, they explode every single major claim, from the "isolation" of the virus to its so-called genetic sequencing, from the discovery of how to "test" for SARS-CoV2 to the emergence of "variants" that in reality, they explain, exist only on a computer. Their point: that the so-called SARS-CoV-2 virus exists only as a mental construct whose existence in the real world has been disproven by the science itself.
This is part 22 of god-knows-how-many-parts-in-total. Part 23 will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work: https://www.Fallcabal.Com/
We make these documentaries without being paid, so any donation - no matter how small - is most welcome! This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...

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