Tucker Carlson | "We Have a Right to Be Mad. I've Got 4 Draft Age Children. So If You Are Playing Recklessly, Fast & Loose w/ Their Lives Then I Have a Right to Despite You & I Do. So If You Are Nikki Haley or Ben Shapiro, Then I Have a
Alfie Oakes | "Where Is Alfie Oakes?! Alfie Oakes | "Where Is Alfie Oakes?! Alfie Oakes Come HERE!!! Alfie Oakes Does Not Play Around. He Has a Place Where You Can Drink And Buy Avocado At the Same Time." - Jim Breuer
Yuval Noah Harari | Where Did Yuval Noah Harari Come From? Why Is He Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg & Gates? "If Millions of People Stop Believing In the Dollar It Loses All of Its Value. There Is No Drama and You Have No Role to Play In It."