Good Morning!... So, What ELSE is New? No, Not About Rigging, ABOUT PEOPLE NOT MAKING A BIG STINK! You're Telling Me American Humans Had So Little to Say? Saving it All up for the Last Minute as Usual? #YouAreTheResultOfYourVibration | Veteran Biker
FAKE NEWS 2.0: Fake Anti-Elon Musk Stories, Tries to Break Up Anti-Illuminati Alliances! | WE in 5D: Relax Your Protesty "I Know Everything" Rants. No One's Worshipping Musk. The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend, for Now. That's All.
Personality-Balance: You Must be as Humble as You are Badass/You Must be as Badass as You are Humble—BUT YOU BETTER BE BOTH + Successful People Don’t Typically Judge, Leaving All Options to Further Success Open and Available! | Entrepreneur
LIVESTREAM Fri 5/31/24 @ 8PM EST: The Purpose of 2024 is to Take You OUT of All Your Delusions!!! | Trump "Guilty" (Let's Discuss), Trump Interviewed by Tim Pool (Mike and Josh React).. Trump Bored Yet? | NOTE: We Officially Begin at 35:00.
Re-upload Because 1st Time Did Not Work: Penn State: Jeff, Jon & Myself Start Preaching, Then Crowd Is Drawn, I Stomp On Koran, Homosexual Rages At Jeff, We All Pray For Him, Homosexual Blares Boom Box, I Pray Boom Box Breaks & Then It Breaks!
JFK JR. ALIVE?? Jason Shurka Asks, RFK Jr. Answers! (1/15/24 FLASHBACK) | WE in 5D: The Trump/RFK Jr. Merge is the Closest "Q"Anon'ers Will Get to Their Qanonsense. What Did I Say Earlier This Year?: 2024 Will Strip Away ALL Your Delusions!